Election Information
Spring Election in the Town of Addison
April 1, 2025
7:00 am - 8:00 pm
127 First St.
Allenton, Wisconsin
127 First St.
Allenton, Wisconsin
Wisconsin Voter Information
You can look up your Voter Registration, view a sample ballot for an upcoming election, look up your Polling place, Voting Districts and current Office holders at My Vote Wisconsin.
Before casting a ballot in any election, you must be registered to vote. If you have an up-to-date WI driver license or ID you can register online at https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/
Before casting a ballot in any election, you must be registered to vote. If you have an up-to-date WI driver license or ID you can register online at https://myvote.wi.gov/en-us/
All Election Notices will be posted at the Town Hall, Allenton Post Office & St. Lawrence Fire Station
Elections for Town of Addison residents are held at the Addison Town Hall, 127 First Street, Allenton, Wisconsin.
Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Before you can vote, whether in person on election day, or absentee, you must be registered and you must show a photo ID.
Please note: Absentee ballots may not be hand-carried outside of the Town Hall.
You can not pick up an absentee ballot for anyone else and take it to them.
You can not pick up an absentee ballot for anyone else and take it to them.
You can not return anyone else’s absentee ballot. (Take it to the post office!)
Do not use drop box at the Town Hall. Ballots should be mailed back.
To ensure you are properly registered for all 2024 elections, or to apply for an absentee ballot, please visit myvote.wi.gov, follow the instructions below, or contact the Town Clerk at 262 629-5420 or clerk@addisonwi.gov
To Absentee vote by mail, you can make a request on MyVote.wi.gov (link below). An e-mail message regarding your request will be received at the Town office, then an absentee ballot will be sent. Or you can obtain form EL-121, Request for Absentee Ballot, from the Town Clerk, or download it from the Government Accountability Board website. (Link below) Mail or deliver the request to the Town Clerk along with a copy of your photo ID. After the Clerk receives your completed EL-121 and the copy of your photo ID, your absentee ballot will be mailed to you.
Absentee ballots will not be mailed after the Thursday before the election.
Absentee ballots will not be mailed after the Thursday before the election.
Public Information
Wisconsin requires a photo ID to Vote.
Statewide Voter Registration requires all electors to be registered before voting, beginning in 2006. Qualified Electors may register to vote in the Town Clerk’s office during regular office hours, with the exception of the Saturday, Sunday and Monday before an election. Registrations will also be taken on election day. Persons wishing to register to vote must provide proof of residence and be full-time residents for 28 days prior to the election. A valid Wisconsin Driver’s license with a current Town of Addison address is the easiest form to use for this requirement. If this is not available, contact the Town Clerk for other options.