Utility Bill Payment Options
- Pay Your Bill Online
- Bank Withdrawal (complete form and deliver to City Hall - ACH automatically deducts payment on the due date)
- US Mail - mail to: 112 W Washington Ave - Fergus Falls, MN 56537
- Payment drop box - located in the alley behind the United States District Courthouse across from the Senior Center's back door or attached to the front of City Hall
- In person - front desk in City Hall by cash, check, MasterCard, Visa or Discover between the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday - Friday (excluding Holidays)
- Credit cards are only accepted online or in person
Utility Billing and Invoices
The City of Fergus Falls utility bill includes charges for: sewer, water, storm water, refuse collection, recycling, water shut off/on, tree management, and landfill charges.
- Water meters measure usage in gallons
- The City of Fergus Falls bills utilities monthly. Bills are mailed approximately two days prior to the last day of the month and they are due on the 15th or the next business day if the 15th is on a weekend or holiday.
- Payment types accepted include: cash, money orders, checks, credit card, and online payments
- The penalty for non-payment is calculated the day after the due date. The current penalty rate is 10%
- Disconnect notices are mailed for any account that is 60 days past due. The notice states the date services will be discontinued if the account is not paid in full.
- Delinquent notices are mailed to the owner on record every month an account is delinquent.
- If water is disconnected, the past due amount plus a re-connection fee of $50 must be paid before the service will be connected. If this re-connection is made after normal business hours (8-4:30 Monday through Friday, excluding holidays), an additional $100 will be charged.
- At the end of December the accounts that are 45 days delinquent are certified to the property taxes by the end of December
For questions about utility billing, call 218-332-5454 or email